Discover a better way to manage and get your sales organized on Android, Windows, iOS platforms featuring Bitcoin payments.

PEXESO POS Android icon

A universal and powerful point of sale system for Android, also available in two modifications for Gastro and Retail. Each version has some additional features. PEXESO can be purchased as a complete cash register with a quality touchscreen monitor and receipt printer.

  • sophisticated inventory management
  • employee tracking
  • easy operation and training
  • phone and online support
  • ability to operate on regular Android tablets


POS system that can handle a heavy workload, a large number of transactions and logged-in users. Our professional solution features an almost unbreakable touchscreen monitor and a professional POS system.

Cash register ECOPOS Apple icon

A point of sale system for iOS excels mainly in its speed. It includes a range of useful and practical features that will make invoicing easier and take less time. It also offers the option of printing receipts via an external printer.

  • clear statistics
  • card payments
  • sending receipts by email
  • secure data backup
iWaiter pyktogram


Order when you're hungry and thirsty. Summon the service when you need it. Pay when you're ready to leave. Everything through your mobile. No delays, no stress. In peace.

  • Quick ordering
  • Chat with guests
  • Wait-free bill


We value the opinions and thoughts of our clients the most. Not only are they a great reference for us, but above all they give us intrinsic satisfaction in what we do.

Hodně spokojených klientů

Satisfied clients

Client satisfaction is the main engine for us to further develop and improve services.

3000+ hotových zakázek

Finished orders

Every other finished order moves us forward and brings important new experiences.

20 let zkušeností

Years of experience

We have been gathering experience for almost 25 years and we are constantly bringing all services closer to the wishes of our clients.

Professional team

Software for easier business

From company management to industry expertise

During the development of EcoCRM a functional development team was created, which further worked on the call center for the CRM system. All our systems can be controlled by Android applications. Applications may also run on iOS soon.