mobile cash register system
The EcoPOS cash register system is designed for all iOS devices.
The system is designed for easy billing, without the purchase of additional cash register equipment. It includes a number of practical cash register functions that will make your work easier and keep track of your stores. We have been developing cash register systems for almost 25 years and we know which functions are used and which are not. The pleasant and intuitive working environment displays only important controls, so it is possible to work comfortably with the cash register system even on smaller phones.
The EcoPOS cash register system enables payments in cash, meal vouchers and, with a connected terminal, a payment card. Payments can be made in crowns and euros according to the current exchange rate. Receipts can be sent by e-mail and printed on an external printer. Thanks to automatic backups you do not have to worry about your data.
Download our application
Beside other features our solution enables use of shifts alternation, settings of VAT payer and non-payer, as well as import of the database from the previous cash solution.
Android, Windows and iOS. Use our specialists for cash register systems, who will always advise you perfectly and quickly solve the problem by remote connection or fast service on site.
See in the previews how simple the system is and how the individual controls are clearly arranged.
General settings
Friendly environment for settings.
Price list
List of items ready for sales.
Create item
Easy create an price list item.
Setting up printing options.
Easy defining rules for data backup.
Currency, Vat
Select currency preference with all details needed.
List of customers in the application.
Availabilitity of editting abill and receipt when needed.
Pay the bill
Paying the bill clear and quick.
Clear overview of all the marked items and pricing. Payment on one click.
Clear Menu while Marking
Clear user friendly overview with menu.
Define your application settings according to your needs.